Gottman Method Couples Therapy
Level 1: Bridging the Couple Chasm
Certificate of Completion
Sooooo, this might have come in handy several times over the past couple marriages. 🤣🤣🤣
Truth be told, I've always been fascinated by relationships. Whether mine or other's, I love seeing how people show up for each other & themselves (or not) in relation to another. . . especially someone they love.
I had a cardologist tell me once that my school is relationships. It's where I learn the most about myself. 🏫🎒
Now, given my track record, you could poke fun & say I'm obviously a slow study. Heck, I still say that about myself sometimes. 🥴
Or, I can allow myself to own my past & see it for what it was. . .
A progression in growth & evolution.👩🎓
See, some get stuck & continue to repeat the same lessons over & over & over because they aren't ready to embody the lesson.
For the most part, I'm always progressing to the next level. . . learning more about who I am & how I want to show up.
So I'm super fucking grateful for each & every experience! And I'm beyond excited to see what is next.
To those that I've been in a relationship with, thank you. Thank you for being in this class with me, no matter how long or short. . . how mild or intense. I'm forever grateful 🙏♥️
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