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December's Crown Straightener 👑

Laura Haehl

 Well, here we are in December… the last month of 2024! Can you feel the holiday chaos already knocking at your chamber door? 🎉


Have you noticed how, especially this time of year, it just feels natural to spend too much time obsessing over the upcoming holiday or the parties or the family gatherings or some other milestone happening during the month? And how focusing on everything that has to be accomplished to make that special day, well special, becomes your home away from home? Meaning, you start to feel like you are spending all your time there. 

It’s called “futurizing” and it’s where you spend your time and energy mentally projecting into the future, rather than being present in the moment. 


But before you dive head first into festivity-planning or get tangled up in a whirlwind of to-do lists necessary to manage your queendom, take a moment to inhale deeply and appreciate where you are right now. You are here. Reading this email. Feeling _____________. And exhale ahhhhhhhh… 💨


So we were not at all surprised when December's card jumped out of the deck to set the tone for this month's Crown Straightener... 

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