After some further reflection and recent experience, I should probably add a couple of characteristics to my list of what I’m looking for in a man.
I’d like to add “a good communicator” and “someone that takes responsibility for their actions”…because those are two qualities that Mr. Universe has that I very much appreciate…and wasn’t expecting.
I was frustrated yesterday when I wrote my blog and because Mr. Universe reads it, he picked up on what I hadn’t directly communicated with him and took it upon himself to reach out. Wait, whaaaaat???
A man…who I was clearly frustrated with….took it upon himself to reach out to me rather than just avoiding the situation…?
Sure enough, he sent me a very thoughtful and insightful message. Sharing where his head was and admitting to operating from a place of fear. I had an inkling that might be the case but it’s so hard to tell sometimes and for whatever reason I wasn’t comfortable asking him. I believe it takes a strong person to admit when they are fearful…because it can change the entire dynamic of a relationship. And it did.
It’s nearly impossible to avoid bringing old baggage or preconceived notions into a new relationship. I’m human and have a brain that loves nothing more than to clump like things together and draw conclusions based on previous experience. And that’s what I let happen here. I let some of my old fears rise up and cast a shadow over a new relationship….connecting dots and drawing conclusions in a vacuum…absent of any light.
Because Mr. Universe is a grown ass man (technical term coined by Kilo), he came at the issue head on. We met and talked through our issues…fears…concerns…intentions. I’m not going to share the nitty gritty details of what we discussed but suffice it to say, it was an honest and touching conversation. He was vulnerable…and not in a passive way. He was direct…open…and spoke from a place of action.
When I read my horoscope yesterday morning, I thought…there’s no way this is happening today….
Don’t let that catch slip away, Aquarius! Today, amorous Venus spends its last day of 2014 in your fun-loving and flirty third house. Over the last month, you might have opted for more lighthearted relations, keeping romance at arm’s length. That said, most people aren’t going to wait around indefinitely, Aquarius. Instead of getting locked into the friend zone, put your heart at the helm. Tomorrow, the love planet nestles into your intimate fourth house until June 23. Nesting and one-on-one private time will be top priorities.
Looks like the AstroTwins nailed it again. It’s still early in this new endeavor but after last night I’m happy to say that it’s a relationship…a real one…with potential. Be careful what you ask for…because you might just get it. 🙂