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Day 59: Unintended consequences

Candy Irven

Updated: 5 days ago

I had planned to write about something different today but when I read IreneC’s thoughts on my post yesterday, I changed my mind. This is what she said,

“I hear what you are saying and can feel what you are relating. I had my share of boyfriends when I was young. Since I am now approaching my 71st birthday, maybe what I think isn’t valid. But, what is different is scary. Perhaps the men you’ve been attracted to have been the wrong types. I remember those days and those men. Been there, done that. When I met my husband, I thought he was a jerk. He wasn’t at all the type I normally went for. He wasn’t cool. But, after 3 months of dating we married, and stayed happily married for 35 years until his death. I remember the list you posted recently about what you were looking for in a man and I thought at the time, you were looking for perfection. Yet, you felt this man had most, if not all the qualities you were looking for. If that’s the case, then take a deep breath and jump. Go for it and stop questioning it. What is the worse that can happen? Your heart gets broken? Or you break his heart? You got to take the chance.”

First of all, I love the unintended consequences of receiving such loving advice from someone that I don’t even know…yet somehow feel a connection with simply because we are reading…and hearing…each other’s words.

I also love that IreneC is approaching her 71st birthday and active in the blogsphere!! Two cheers for her! I can feel the youth of her soul coupled with the experience of her years in the advice she offers up.

Finally, she’s right!

What am I afraid of…what are any of us afraid of when it comes to love…or just being open to it…or simply liking someone? I know a broken heart heals. What’s the worst that happens? I have a great time getting to know someone and then that person (or I) moves on? I’m enlightened enough to know that people come into our lives to serve a purpose…to teach a lesson…and once that purpose is fulfilled they may very likely move on to teach someone else. I feel that truth (and my magic collarbone agrees).

So I guess this is just a little something to ponder over the long holiday weekend. Thank you IreneC for helping me to take a deep breath and jump….to go for it and stop questioning…or at least to take a pause from the questioning.

As I write this post, “Love Somebody” by Maroon 5 came on. Accident, maybe…but I happen to like this song a lot and found it to be the perfect soundtrack for this brief post…and the holiday weekend. Why not…who doesn’t really want to love somebody…or at least dance around to the song? Happy Saturday!

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