I was so focused on getting to Hawaii and getting married that the new year slipped right past me. It was the night before the big day so my intention was more immediate than in years past.
Ironically one of the books I’ve been reading on the trip is Deepak Chopra’s The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire.
It’s all about becoming aware of the levels of consciousness that we operate within…how coincidences happen all the time but are not actually coincidences as we typically think of them. They aren’t accidental. They are miracles manifested by our intention as well as that of the Universe…to which we are and are a part of.
I could go on and on about the book but it’s easier to simply recommend reading it. Heck, there’s so much in it I may read it again.
My point in mentioning it is that it’s never too late to set intentions. As profound as it feels to do so at the beginning of the year, intentions should be revisited daily….confirmed and reaffirmed…or released and modified as life’s changes occur.
The most important part of setting an intention is letting go of attachment. Not letting the ego get caught up in the outcome because that’s the surest way to sabotage an intention. It has to come from a place of honesty…purity…gratitude.
With that said, I’d like to set the following intentions for the year to come:
Eat healthy, think healthy, be healthy
Try out new yoga studios as a means to evolve my personal practice and grow as a teacher
Mediate at least two times per week
See myself in others and vice versa so I can be more compassionate with myself and others
Live everyday as if it were our honeymoon
Learn to fight for love and not against the other person
Grow nesha to be a successful wellness center
Grow IWC into a successful investment
Figure out how to turn 365go.me into a book
Find a volunteer activity that touches my heart
Put my heart and soul into everything I do, and don’t do something if I can’t
Support those around me and surround myself with those that support me
And of course, cuss more 🙂 (because you have to have at least one you know you can achieve)
I think that’s a good start. I’ll refine it as I go…as I grow throughout the year. As I accomplish new goals and face new challenges. More than anything, like everyone else, I want to be happy. I want to live a life free of attachment and guided by my heart rather than my ego.
Happy New Year…or like a friend of mine likes to say, Happy Moment!
Ps: Tonight is a full moon…another perfect time to release that which no longer serves and set intentions to be more open.