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Day 281: Dear Mr. Universe

Candy Irven

Updated: Jan 8, 2022


Dear Mr. Universe,

Today is our wedding day.  At sunset we’ll stand on a beach in paradise and exchange vows.  It’ll be just you and me…which I love because that’s how life will be from this point forward.

Sure we’ll have our friends and family in our lives but no one will have your back like I will and vice versa.  Together we’ll forge our way…side by side through good times and not so good times.  But no matter what comes our way, you can count on me.

Disagreements will happen…fights will happen…we won’t always see eye to eye. But as long as our hearts remain in tune…connected…we’ll be fine.  Growing stronger with each passing day.

Before we take those fateful steps onto the beach, I wanted to thank you for being my best friend….my biggest champion…my greatest coach.  I promise to be all those things and more for you.

Thank you for opening your heart to me.  For working hard to be the best version of yourself.  For laughing…and even crying…with me.  

Thank you for being open to new ideas…and in turn sharing your thoughts and hopes and dreams with me.

I can honestly say I have no idea what the future holds but I believe together we can make and enjoy a beautiful life together.  I think Rumi sums up my feelings best…

“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,
they’re in each other all along.”

Happy New Year…I love you!

(The soon-to-be) Mrs. Universe

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