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Day 269: If you don’t ask…

Candy Irven

Updated: Jan 8, 2022


You’ll never know.  And the worst someone can say is “no”.  You won’t die from hearing the word “no”, unless you’re asking for an organ transplant of some sort and your life depends on someone saying “yes”.  But that’s an extreme situation and not at all what I’m talking about here.

I was once told by a co-worker when I was on the sales team that you’ll never get the sale…you’ll never close the deal…if you don’t ask.  The worst thing that can happen is the person can say no.  And no is only no for today.  In other words, maybe you’ll ask again tomorrow or the day after that…

It’s this lesson that prompted me to ask our landlord if he would consider letting us out of our lease and re-list our office.  It’s too small for the type of work we want to do going forward and we’d prefer to spend our money renting or securing a space that better fits our needs.  The worst he could say was no, right?!?  But because we said we’d continue paying until he found a new renter…or through the end of our lease if he didn’t…he agreed to list the space for us.

It was actually a huge energetic relief, even though we’re still technically in the space until someone says they want it.  It was the first step in putting out into the Universe that we want to take nesha to the next level.  

Writing this is the next step.  We want to be able to offer more Yin privates, with actual room to move.  We want to be able to permanently have our Reiki table up and ready.  Maybe there’s some group work in our future…if we had the space.

Point is, we’ve started dreaming and a big part of that dream is having the room to dream bigger…and bigger…and bigger.  After all, whether asking for the sale…or asking the landlord to let us out of the lease…or asking the Universe to fulfill our requests in helping us find a space that better suits the services we want to offer…you can’t get a “yes” if you never ask the question.  

So we’re asking….

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