Princess Grace stopped by today to discuss logos and as she was leaving she shared a realization she’d had the other day.
“You’re a chameleon”
she said.
“You take on the personality of the people you are with.”
One by one she rattled off the witches and described how I match their energy.
She was right.
I had never thought of it before but I tend to mirror back to people their energy level…intensity…emotions. If a friend is loud and happy, so am I. If she is quiet and introspective, so am I. If she is angry and a spit fire, so am I.
This is not to say that I don’t have my own personality or emotions. On the contrary, I do and am quite expressive typically. I think my mirroring is more related to my quest to make people feel comfortable. To align with the part of them that I carry within me. I am loud…happy…quiet…introspective…angry…and so much more, depending on the day.
I think it’s because I’m able to tune into their energy, identify with that which is most aligned with my energy, and that’s what comes out…or I step into to.
When Princess Grace first mentioned it I wondered if this tendency was tied to a prior diagnosis of being codependent. But it’s not like when I take on their energy, my mood changes…or I’m not able to determine how I feel on my own. It’s more that I just tap more deeply into an aspect of my own personality and mirror that back to my friends.
The more I ponder this, the more I wonder if it’s a good thing or not. I think yes…but who does that leave me to be when I’m surrounded with the coven.
Am I Candy or am I a collection of each witch’s energy? And do I do it with everyone or just those closest to me?
Hrmmm….so many questions…