Spent some time in nature today hoping to clear whatever was hanging around.
Earlier in the day a heaviness settled in around my heart. It felt sad. . . rooted. . . encompassing.
It caught me off guard. So much so I actually remembered to ask
"Is this mine??"
The answer: no.
I'm so glad I asked because it felt like mine. It felt like the sadness I felt weeks ago. . . right there at the surface all over again.
Immediately after getting the response, it lifted. My eyes stopped watering & I could breathe deep cleansing breaths.
It happened a few more times throughout the day, including on my hike.
Each time, "Is this mine?". . . every response, "No."
If your experiences & emotions don't align today, maybe you're having a similar experience.
If you're carrying a burden in your heart, know that some of us are here to help shoulder the weight.
Get outside & let that shit go. 😘