Holding divergent emotions
2024 was packed with unexpected twists & turns & turmoil.

Unconditional gratitude
As I sat in my morning meditation (a practice I’m so glad I restarted), a wave of gratitude washed over me.

It's transparency, baby!
My word for the year is ✨transparency✨. So what does that mean? It means that I will be clear in my words & actions.

I'm not crazy
((Attention women, this is a PSA for hormonal shifts. Men, pay attention too!)) As excited as I was about the move back to Asheville &...

Find your "mountain"
This is me. Tired. Soooooo tired. There’s something about these mountains. . . the water. . . the wind that seems to stir everything up...

New Year. . . New Me. . . New You. . . New Survey
If you're wondering "Why is she wishing me a 'New Year' at the end of January?!?", I'll tell you why. . . My birthday is the 21st of the...

A lot can happen in a year
This was us 365 days ago. . . Reconnecting in Lexington ((for the first time in far too long)) to celebrate my milestone birthday ((a...

The next chapter: real estate
This summer I added another chapter to my book. . . I'm thrilled to share that I'm working with #Highgarden Real Estate, on the Branch...

Celebrating freedom
It's that time of year when we blow sh*t up in celebration of our collective-mutually-agreed-upon-but-not-always-put-into-practice-freedo...

This is it
Whelp, this is it. The last day in my 40s. To say the feeling is surreal is an understatement, yet somehow. . . on some level, I've made...

Pieces of me
In broad strokes, you might see me as a "sensitive advocate", the nickname for the 6 of Diamonds (#cardology @discoverthecards) or as a...

A prison of my own making
So let's talk about the job that is no more. You know, that time I proclaimed that if I was going back to corporate america, I was going...

Stuck in the spin cycle
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. . . well, a long time for me, anyway. The past few months have taken a toll on my...

Falling in love with myself
I've talked (and written) a lot about my struggle to find a lasting romantic relationship . . . of my struggle to feel worthy of love . ....

Welcome back
These beautiful souls made my first night in Indy the best homecoming a girl could have imagined. As we swayed to the smooth tunes of...

Fare thee well
That was the song playing when I crawled into my packed car with Sheba after the movers loaded the last of my house into the truck....

There's always next year
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision holding that the "Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the...

Age is just a number
I've been on more first dates in the 3+ years that I've lived in Asheville, then in my entire life up until moving here. And 2 of those 3...

Feeling like a kid again
A couple of weeks ago, @laura.haehl & I went for a bike ride at the #biltmore . It's one of the things. . . riding bikes, that is. . ....

My blueprint
As a 6 of Diamonds, one of the lessons I'm here to learn is #balance. And while most who know me might consider me a pretty balanced...

Giving myself freedom
I can't tell you how long I considered buying these bright ass pants. They fit perfectly. It was the color. So bright. So bold. I'm not...

The power of ceremony
Yesterday I did a #temazcal ceremony at @botanicatulum . Part sweat lodge / part sacred ritual, our bodies were saged before entering the...

Breakthrough breathwork
I've been here a full week! Yes, it's paradise but it's not been easy. Sunday I attended a psychedelic breathwork & sound bath. I highly...

A new year, a new me
Yesterday was my birthday 🎉 I don't know about you, but 2021 might have been more challenging than 2020. Anything & everything I wasn't...

2022 energies
Hello 2022!! 🥂 It is me or does the energy already feel different? 👍 or 👎 The shift started a couple of weeks ago (for me). 👍...

The most epic sleeve
Yesterday we continued working on creating "the most epic sleeve", as @mountaintemple likes to say. I've had lots of tattoos over the...

No more blending in
Ever look at the wall of bottles behind the bar & nothing stands out because they all blend together? Looking back on the past several...

Finding balance
Fall is finally making its way to WNC with much cooler temps, beginning tomorrow. 🍂🍃 So today, I hiked one of my favorite trails on...

Surprises & disappointments
Dear Moon Taxi, Thank you for surprising the shit out of me by being so damn good live. I'm always hopeful when I see a band for the...

No more holding back
I did it! ✈️ In March I was sitting in an adorable thatched Italian restaurant in Tulum & my boyfriend (at the time) said he was going to...

Consciously deciding how to share my heart
About a month ago, I did a session with a friend studying to be a medical intuitive. The first area she was drawn to was my heart (4th...

A life of 'meh' is no way to live
One of the lessons I'm here to learn (as a Six of Diamonds) is how to say 'no'. Correction, it's not so much that I don't know how to say...

Fuck yes
The "fuck yes" experience that most clearly stands out in my mind is the day I decided to quit my corporate job & flip my life upside...

Surrounded by poetry on all sides
On Thursday, we experienced the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit. To be surrounded by his art, the lights & beautiful sounds was like "being...

When you know, you know
Yesterday I went in to add some new ink to my right upper arm. I wanted to continue filling in the blank space. #tswift But when I got...

Authentic about my inauthenticity
I started the most recent season of Grey's Anatomy. It starts out in April 2020. . . covid times. I just want to say, I THOUGHT I made it...

That lovely easy feeling
Today started with a genuine curiosity about what I wanted to focus on during my morning meditation. As I sat looking out my window, I...

Dream a little dream
I've seen several posts today about dreams. 💭 Not the night time kind but the kind that make you get up in the morning, work hard & stay...
Mama grizzly fierceness
This is one of my favorite photos of my Mom (obviously not one of my faves of me. . but today is about her.) My Mom is one of the...

Turkey medicine
This morning as I drifted in & out of sleep, I heard the gobble of wild turkeys. The little farm girl in me hopped out of bed like it was...

A spiritual being having a human experience
I used to drink. . . a lot. After seeing the toll it took on someone I cared deeply for & a relationship that was important to me, I...

There are no words
I haven't posted anything about all the injustice & hatred because. . . honestly. . . there are no words. I can't imagine how it feels to...

It all unfolds from here
"It all unfolds from here" is what @mountaintemple (Chris) said as he finished work on my tattoo & I gazed out the window at the...