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Feb 15, 20153 min read
Day 326: An act of trust
By telling the person who’s triggering me that they are…and how, I’m opening myself up to the potential of future pain. Is this person...

Sep 5, 20143 min read
Day 163: The best way to release the trigger is to trigger it until it’s no longer a trigger
His love was unattainable. Â I know this because I spent my childhood trying to attain it. Â I tried every angle I could think of as a...

Jul 8, 20144 min read
Day 104: The best body and mind therapy I’ve ever experienced
It’s no secret that I visit shamans as a means to work through and release energetic traumas I carry in my body.  These traumas can wreak...

Jun 20, 20143 min read
Day 86: Silencing the voices
With those leaps, come the elimination of old triggers. Â Thank goodness!! Things that used to set me off, push my buttons, cause me to...

Jun 11, 20143 min read
Day 77: I used to rage…and not in the popular sense
I told myself it was because I grew up watching my father behave like that…that I was a result of my environment.  I had a built-in...

Apr 2, 20144 min read
Day 7: Sometimes it’s best to just sit with it for a while
As I prepared to leave my job, I started making a list of all the things I would be able to do that hadn’t seemed possible prior, and...
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