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Mar 25, 20156 min read
Day 365: A life of abundance and gratitude
I’ve had friends ask me what I was going to write about on the last day. If I already had it written. If I was going to reveal...

Mar 14, 20151 min read
Day 354: Wasting a day away
Sure, I probably could have read a book…of which I have several that I want and need to read. Or I could have gone to a movie. Or maybe...

Mar 3, 20153 min read
Day 342: And then there was shit everywhere
We have the dining room set up so that the dogs are contained when we leave. We’re able to close the pantry door that leads to the...

Feb 24, 20153 min read
Day 335: A month to go
There, as if there’s a final destination I was expecting to arrive at. I fully expected to need the majority of my allotted 365 days to...

Jan 31, 20153 min read
Day 311: It’s the little things…
Princess Grace and I stopped by and visited with the Shamans today. Â Just being in their presence creates this calm, soothing effect that...

Jan 23, 20152 min read
Day 303: It’s been a good week
Sheba and Solomon are continuing to build their puppy bond…and I’m officially in puppy love with Solomon. He’s just the sweetest little...

Jan 21, 20153 min read
Day 301: Happy birthday to me
Now I’m sure Mother Nature didn’t whip this up as a birthday surprise just for me but it feels special nonetheless. Despite the weather...

Jan 17, 20152 min read
Day 297: Settling into some habits
I’ve always heard that puppies pick things up quicker when they have another dog to model, but Solomon isn’t just following Sheba. You...

Jan 16, 20154 min read
Day 296: Nature vs nurture
Puzzle has been with me for 15 1/2 years. We’ve been through multiple moves, multiple marriages, and several boyfriends. He’s seen me...

Jan 15, 20152 min read
Day 295: This is how people end up with 8 kids
I casually mentioned to Mr. Universe that we should message the breeder we got Sheba from to let him know we’re interested in getting...

Jan 6, 20151 min read
Day 286: No place like home
We arrived back to the Mainland around 5am this morning. Â Mr. Universe was refreshed and I was exhausted. I can sit on a plane in...

Dec 28, 20141 min read
Day 277: Let the adventure begin
Well the hard part is over.  This morning we loaded up the car, grabbed the animals, and headed to Camp Grandma’s.  Puzzle and Sheba were...

Dec 26, 20142 min read
Day 275: I’ve got this
Christmas was the last lone distraction standing between me and preparing to run off to Hawaii. I’m not going to say that I wasn’t...

Dec 6, 20142 min read
Day 255: It’s a numbers game
Today I spent some time playing around with some numbers.  I’m not a numbers person, necessarily, but I do like to understand how things...

Oct 11, 20141 min read
Day 199: Rise and shine
I woke up this morning at 4:30am so I could teach a 6 am yoga class.  I did the same thing yesterday and I have to say…I kinda like...

Oct 6, 20142 min read
Day 194: For every action there is a reaction
I thought not eating meat would be the hardest part of staying at the ashram for a week.  I figured I’d be able to handle being...

Sep 28, 20142 min read
Day 186: Greet me like a dog
We got to pick up Sheba and Puzzle yesterday. Â My parents graciously watched them while Mr. Universe and I ventured off to Colorado for a...

Sep 24, 20141 min read
Day 182: Gods and Kings
We’ll spend the night at the Reserve Casino after we head to Red Rocks to see Kings of Leon.  It’s my first concert at Red Rocks and I’m...

Sep 22, 20141 min read
Day 180: A new perspective
I was a little nervous about the (lack of a) plan until today.  It kinda feels a bit like I’ve been living…taking each day as it...

Sep 17, 20142 min read
Day 175: Running with the pack
For the past couple of days, Mr. Universe and I have taken Sheba to the dog park in the neighborhood.  It’s an old school with fenced in...
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