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Jul 4, 20143 min read
Day 100: Vacation nesting
I’m angry.  I hate to start a post that way, especially on a holiday but it’s the truth and I can’t shake it.  I can’t figure out if it’s...

Jul 2, 20144 min read
Day 98: Paddle board musings
Today Princess Grace, Kilo, Mama J and I spent the day on paddle boards on Gross Reservoir…which is anything but gross. At a little over...

Jul 1, 20142 min read
Day 97: There’s just a map and it’s existed in heart for a lifetime
I haven’t yet heard how their sessions went.  We decided to share as a group over dinner, but I know how mine and Kilo’s were and two...

Jun 30, 20142 min read
Day 96: It’s a choice
The list of lessons I’ve learned…or am learning…is long.  During a conversation with Princess Grace and Mama J, I realized the latest...

Jun 29, 20142 min read
Day 95: I am here to serve you
Yesterday morning as we gathered at my house and prepared to begin our road trip to CO, I overheard Mr. Universe and Princess Grace...

Jun 28, 20142 min read
Day 94: Road tripping
Today I’m road tripping with Princess Grace and Mama J to Boulder.  Kilo was supposed to be in the car with us…I mean, we are driving her...

Jun 26, 20143 min read
Day 92: Dream the most amazing life possible…and then live it
In particular, I love this quote… “You have the power to create.  Your power is so strong that whatever you believe comes true.  You...

Jun 24, 20144 min read
Day 90: Cancer bags filled with treasure
4:46 am…I’m a minute late walking out of my room…the parents are in the car waiting.  Always prompt…always. 5:10 am…We start the patient...

Jun 6, 20144 min read
Day 72: One breath at a time
Yesterday I found a sizable lump in my right breast.  I’m not sure I can describe how I felt in the moment.  It was surreal.  All the...

May 29, 20145 min read
Day 64: Rock solid
I was fortunate to do a session with a friend present and had the opportunity to listen to her before it was my turn. Â This extra time,...

May 23, 20143 min read
Day 58: Trash day is every Thursday and I need to sit this shit at the curb
So, here goes…. I don’t trust myself.  Correction, I don’t trust myself in one particular aspect of my life. Everywhere else, I’m good....

May 22, 20143 min read
Day 57: Who needs tarot cards when you have a magic collarbone
I spent so much time in my head that I’d lost virtually any connection to my intuition…especially in my personal life.  I was so...

May 20, 20143 min read
Day 55: It doesn’t have to be this hard, really
I looked at him and thought for a minute, then replied with “I’m not guarded.  I’m cautious.  I just don’t really know you all that well...

May 19, 20143 min read
Day 54: Not just another manic Monday
This morning as I laid in bed contemplating my day, I knew I had several appointments but I didn’t want to get up.  I had lots of fun...

May 7, 20143 min read
Day 42: Cheers to the feminine
I honestly hadn’t really given archetypes much thought in well over a year.  I’d spent a good deal of time in therapy learning about them...

May 1, 20144 min read
Day 36: Grand gesture…how a mantra was born
It’s no secret that I’ve had my share of half assed relationships.  What I mean by that is that one party — whether me or my partner —...

Apr 30, 20144 min read
Day 35: There are no wrong paths
I posted this video to my personal Facebook page earlier today but it’s so very good that I wanted to post it again and write a little...
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