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Jul 6, 20143 min read
Day 102: Replace it with something real
I’d liken it to PTSD…a post traumatic stress disorder that would more accurately be described as a post traumatic stress reaction. It...

Jul 5, 20142 min read
Day 101: What you think, you become
I’ve crossed the 100 day threshold as I’m crossing the country with Princess Grace, Mama J, and Kilo. We’re heading home after our...

Jul 2, 20144 min read
Day 98: Paddle board musings
Today Princess Grace, Kilo, Mama J and I spent the day on paddle boards on Gross Reservoir…which is anything but gross. At a little over...

Jul 1, 20142 min read
Day 97: There’s just a map and it’s existed in heart for a lifetime
I haven’t yet heard how their sessions went. We decided to share as a group over dinner, but I know how mine and Kilo’s were and two...

Jun 29, 20142 min read
Day 95: I am here to serve you
Yesterday morning as we gathered at my house and prepared to begin our road trip to CO, I overheard Mr. Universe and Princess Grace...

Jun 28, 20142 min read
Day 94: Road tripping
Today I’m road tripping with Princess Grace and Mama J to Boulder. Kilo was supposed to be in the car with us…I mean, we are driving her...

Jun 26, 20143 min read
Day 92: Dream the most amazing life possible…and then live it
In particular, I love this quote… “You have the power to create. Your power is so strong that whatever you believe comes true. You...

Jun 24, 20144 min read
Day 90: Cancer bags filled with treasure
4:46 am…I’m a minute late walking out of my room…the parents are in the car waiting. Always prompt…always. 5:10 am…We start the patient...

Jun 22, 20142 min read
Day 88: The effortlessness of life
I believe in the power of visualizing what you want…of manifesting the life you desire by imagining you are already living it. I’ve had...

Jun 20, 20143 min read
Day 86: Silencing the voices
With those leaps, come the elimination of old triggers. Thank goodness!! Things that used to set me off, push my buttons, cause me to...

Jun 18, 20143 min read
Day 84: The fault in our stars
“You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world…but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” That quote is so...

Jun 15, 20143 min read
Day 81: Road full of promise
The transformation started years ago…probably with Yoga Teacher Training. As I deepened my practiced and dove into the yogic philosophies...

Jun 14, 20142 min read
Day 80: Love is love
I spent last night with the witches…and it was perfect. We hadn’t been together as a coven for months and this gathering was much needed....

Jun 13, 20143 min read
Day 79: It’s all about the intention
When my new insurance agent asked me what I saw myself doing in five years, I think my answer surprised both of us. When I first retired...

Jun 11, 20143 min read
Day 77: I used to rage…and not in the popular sense
I told myself it was because I grew up watching my father behave like that…that I was a result of my environment. I had a built-in...

Jun 10, 20143 min read
Day 76: A sigh of relief…and a boob full of marbles
8:30…They said to shower but to not put any lotions or powders on above the waist. Ok, well, that’s different and isn’t helping to...

Jun 9, 20144 min read
Day 75: It’s official…because Facebook says so
I used to joke that nothing is real until you see it on Facebook. So I guess it’s official then…I’m in a relationship with Mr....

Jun 7, 20142 min read
Day 73: When the Universe sends you flowers
She kept her composure while she told me what the doctor had said. I didn’t hear her get emotional until she explained why she waited to...

Jun 6, 20144 min read
Day 72: One breath at a time
Yesterday I found a sizable lump in my right breast. I’m not sure I can describe how I felt in the moment. It was surreal. All the...

Jun 4, 20143 min read
Day 70: Rediscovering my feminine energy
This morning I watched one of Mastin Kipp’s Daily Love videos. It was about rediscovering your feminine energies. I’ve read several...
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