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Dec 1, 20143 min read
Day 250: Externally self-motivated
I’ve been quietly beating myself up a lot lately. I realized this after I confessed to being bored. For weeks I’ve felt this stirring...

Nov 30, 20144 min read
Day 249: I’m bored
I was afraid this would happen. Not even a week after saying that I was giving myself permission to focus almost solely on me, I have a...

Nov 22, 20144 min read
Day 241: Friendsgiving
Tonight is Friendsgiving….when I get to host my closest confidants from the past year. As I was thinking about the gathering, I noticed...

Nov 19, 20143 min read
Day 238: A big day
Today was a big day. I knew it was going to be when I woke up but I wasn’t expecting to have such an unsettling feeling. I’m pretty...

Nov 18, 20142 min read
Day 237: Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful
Today as I was walking through a store…after having snagged a super cheap dog bed for Sheba, btw…I noticed a print that said “Life...

Nov 10, 20142 min read
Day 229: Yet another test we can cross of the list
After two months of spending nearly every minute of every day together, Mr. Universe finally went back to work today. I think we were...

Nov 9, 20142 min read
Day 228: Jesus, thank you
Since leaving my job, my life has been focused on learning…on expanding my understanding of Universal truths and what I’m meant to do....

Nov 8, 20142 min read
Day 227: Jesus, who the hell knows
Last night Mr. Universe and I ended up in a spiritual/religious discussion. We’ve had pieces of this discussion before but not in this...

Nov 6, 20143 min read
Day 225: Getting busy at night…and it’s not what you think
This might sound a little weird…no, I know it’s going to sound weird. But that’s ok. Maybe a little more weird is what we all need in...

Oct 31, 20141 min read
Day 219: Taking the edge off the chill
I love winter…particularly from December to February. Anytime he shows up before or lingers after, though, I find myself irritated. So...

Oct 29, 20142 min read
Day 217: Defining and then redefining myself
This is hard for me to admit, but I’ve been struggling with my coaching practice. I know I’m only a month in, but something hasn’t...

Oct 28, 20143 min read
Day 216: Stereotyping stereotypes
We all fall into stereotype traps. Some people allow such trappings to define their life and the lives of everyone they come in contact...

Oct 27, 20141 min read
Day 215: I found your intangible
On Day 8 (boy, that seems like a lifetime ago) I vented about being told by a boy that I was missing that “intangible” quality. To feel...

Oct 25, 20143 min read
Day 213: Fear and loathing in the heartland
In a fit of insecurity, I blurted out some fears I’d been hauling around with me…and didn’t really realize. To Mr. Universe’s credit, he...

Oct 21, 20143 min read
Day 209: Protecting that little girl
I might as well get this out of the way… I never had a dad. Sure, I had a father…but not a dad. The difference is a father does just...

Oct 14, 20143 min read
Day 202: Feeling optimistic
Let’s just get this out of the way… Yes, I’ve been married twice already and I just signed up for a third and final go round. And yes,...

Oct 13, 20142 min read
Day 201: It’s about more than just one day
Today the wedding planning started. Mr. Universe and I both agreed that we basically want to elope. His 2nd and my 3rd, our friends and...

Oct 12, 20142 min read
Day 200: The kind of shit you see on YouTube
That’s right…I said a coach…an adult…shoved a child to the ground. All because the coach got pissed that the kid had shoved his son to...

Oct 11, 20141 min read
Day 199: Rise and shine
I woke up this morning at 4:30am so I could teach a 6 am yoga class. I did the same thing yesterday and I have to say…I kinda like...

Oct 10, 20142 min read
Day 198: Engaging in all life has to offer
I think it’s safe to say that my relationship with Mr. Universe hasn’t followed a “traditional” path from the get go. The first 30 days...
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