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Jan 14, 20153 min read
Day 294: Take a note
The series of events…weird thoughts…anxiety that occurred over the course of the six hours I was there led me to what I can only describe...

Jan 11, 20151 min read
Day 291: A year of firsts…and it’s just the beginning
Funny thing happened today. It’s Mr. Universe’s birthday…our first time celebrating his birthday together, even though we’re already...

Jan 10, 20152 min read
Day 290: Crazy is a perfectly acceptable part of life
I had someone make a comment to me about my blog once. They said that my writings were all over the place. One day the message was...

Jan 8, 20154 min read
Day 288: Time to get moving
It took till about mid-day to start feeling better. I was tempted to lay around again but Mr. Universe insisted we needed to get out of...

Jan 6, 20151 min read
Day 286: No place like home
We arrived back to the Mainland around 5am this morning. Mr. Universe was refreshed and I was exhausted. I can sit on a plane in...

Jan 2, 20152 min read
Day 282: January wedding
On the drive to Aloha Beach in Kihei yesterday, Mr. Universe told me that he’d picked out a song for our wedding. Not a song to be played...

Jan 1, 20151 min read
Day 281: Dear Mr. Universe
Dear Mr. Universe, Today is our wedding day. At sunset we’ll stand on a beach in paradise and exchange vows. It’ll be just you and...

Dec 31, 20142 min read
Day 280: How I became a fan of NYE
Here we are at the end of another year. I’ve never been a big fan of NYE’s, honestly. I like the act of reflection and forward...

Dec 30, 20142 min read
Day 279: A love letter to United Airlines
Dear United Airlines, Every time I mistakenly fly you, I tell myself “never again.” Never again will I buy a ticket on your shitty...

Dec 28, 20141 min read
Day 277: Let the adventure begin
Well the hard part is over. This morning we loaded up the car, grabbed the animals, and headed to Camp Grandma’s. Puzzle and Sheba were...

Dec 27, 20142 min read
Day 276: Treat yourself
Today, I surprised Mr. Universe with a massage. I thought it would be a good way to hit the reset button after the holidays and before...

Dec 19, 20142 min read
Day 268: Existing in the eye of the storm
In the past I would have ignored the signs. Not to say that something or someone has to be perfect, but I would have ignored that...

Dec 17, 20142 min read
Day 266: Daydreaming
With less than 100 posts left to write, I’ve found myself thinking about what I’ll do when I don’t have to sit at the computer everyday...

Dec 16, 20142 min read
Day 265: Gratitude
I’m sure on some deeper level, it’s no coincidence that I led a meditation class at noon focused on gratitude. Gratitude for all the...

Dec 14, 20142 min read
Day 263: Lucky in life
Last night was Mr. Universe’s holiday party. Having worked for a company that had smaller offices scattered across the country, it was...

Dec 13, 20143 min read
Day 262: An engaging engagement
It’s true…I’ve been a little all over the place lately with regard to how I’m feeling about…and dealing with…life. I think this time of...

Dec 12, 20143 min read
Day 261: Time to hit reset
Life is full of frustrations…challenges…struggles. While I do believe we can control how we perceive ourselves and thereby create our...

Dec 10, 20143 min read
Day 259: #factnotjudging
I appreciate warnings, especially from friends who have lived through situations and are willing to share their lessons. Conversely, I...

Dec 9, 20144 min read
Day 258: Permission to deal
Today, I had lunch with a dear friend that I hadn’t spent quality time with in awhile. It was lovely to catch up and see how refreshed...

Dec 4, 20144 min read
Day 253: Eurfuckingreka
Sometimes it’s amazing how all the dots connect and everything suddenly makes sense. I mean, I suppose I should be used to that by...
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