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Jan 29, 20244 min read
New Year. . . New Me. . . New You. . . New Survey
If you're wondering "Why is she wishing me a 'New Year' at the end of January?!?", I'll tell you why. . . My birthday is the 21st of the...

Apr 1, 20211 min read
Heartbreak. . . the new PR
A dear friend told me she had a dream that I was tired because of the tremendous growth spurt I was experiencing. 💥 She was quick to...

Mar 16, 20212 min read
Let unconditional love be your moral code
I can't make this stuff up... I was walking Sheba thinking about the things I have going on & how on one hand it feels like nothing is...

Mar 15, 20211 min read
My mis-shapen but resilient heart
Yesterday led me to the mountains for some self care & clearing. There's nothing quite like feeling the strength of the mountains, laying...
Dec 31, 20201 min read
Buh-bye 2020
Oh 2020. . . You're like the relationship that post break up, I'm finally able to appreciate the gifts. But in it . . . oh boy! You were...
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