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Mar 19, 20152 min read
Day 359: Manifesting your life’s dreams
I realized last night that Mr. Universe has the same power to manifest. Pretty much everything I’ve seen him set his mind to achieve…or...

Feb 16, 20155 min read
Day 327: Learning lessons the hard way
I mean, everything I write…I write. So while I’m sharing deep dark secrets and being vulnerable, I’m doing so in a very controlled...

Jun 16, 20142 min read
Day 82: Lessons from a toe nail
So on Saturday when I noticed that it felt “different”…I walked into the bathroom to investigate. Sure enough, it was only hanging on by...

May 30, 20142 min read
Day 65: Sailing into unchartered territory
I met a new friend yesterday for coffee and we were sharing life stories of how we’ve used pro/con lists to make many, if not all, major...
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