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May 25, 20222 min read
Age is just a number
I've been on more first dates in the 3+ years that I've lived in Asheville, then in my entire life up until moving here. And 2 of those 3...

Jul 2, 20144 min read
Day 98: Paddle board musings
Today Princess Grace, Kilo, Mama J and I spent the day on paddle boards on Gross Reservoir…which is anything but gross. At a little over...

May 27, 20143 min read
Day 62: Be good to each other
Whatever the situation, I’ve come to determine that this is the hardest part of dating.  You don’t know what the other person is dealing...

May 17, 20143 min read
Day 52: Can I get a witness
I have no assumption that finding this is going to be easy.  I’m prepared to search…and patiently wait.  What I’m not going to do,...

May 2, 20145 min read
Day 37: To Tinder or not to Tinder
If you’re not in your 20s, dating is hard…especially in Indianapolis where it feels like everyone over the age of 31 is coupled up or...
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