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Feb 11, 20183 min read
It’s a match…or was it??
It’s funny how phrases can get stuck in your head…and then take on a life of their own. For example, I’ve had the phrase “It’s a match”...

May 24, 20142 min read
Day 59: Unintended consequences
I had planned to write about something different today but when I read IreneC’s thoughts on my post yesterday, I changed my mind. This is...

May 3, 20142 min read
Day 38: This practice, little by little, will free you from the burdens of your life
Rather than push the nerves aside, I decided to acknowledge them…breathe into them…and simply begin my morning a little earlier than I’d...

Apr 30, 20144 min read
Day 35: There are no wrong paths
I posted this video to my personal Facebook page earlier today but it’s so very good that I wanted to post it again and write a little...

Apr 15, 20144 min read
Day 20: Shit or get off the pot
I don’t know about your grandparents, but mine were/are amazing! I dare say – the best. They were/are kind, loving, and hilarious (my...
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