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Day 28: The true meaning of time management
Day 27: Reduce…reuse…recycle…and repurpose your life and the things in it
Day 26: Saying goodbye, tastefully
Day 25: I chose Easter
Day 24: A lovely day
Day 23: Whether coincidence, conscious awareness, or subconscious dreaming
Day 21: In search of my Legend
Day 20: Shit or get off the pot
Day 15: Letting go and reclaiming my space
Day 14: Oh the places I’ll go
Day 12: It takes a strong woman to lift up another
Day 11: We might be happier adults if we acted more like children
Day 10: Moving on up
Day 9: Say what you wanna say and let the words fall out
Day 8: Being physically present and turning the intangible into that which can be touched
Day 7: Sometimes it’s best to just sit with it for a while
Day 6: Finding your mama grizzly by balancing masculine and feminine energies
Day 5: How expectation and potential killed the moment…and altered my future
Day 4: Three questions and a lifetime of answers
Day 3: Ole man winter had a hold on me