all posts
Day 128: Looks like we made it
Day 127: Once you see, you see
Day 126: Givers, takers, and matchers
Day 125: When I see you smile
Day 124: What do you model…gloves?
Day 123: Paying it forward
Day 122: Finding safety in the feminine
Day 121: Change begins with an inner desire for something better
Day 119: More exists out of our control than in it
Day 116: When your secret isn’t so secret
Day 115: Staying present
Day 114: A pretty fantastic life
Day 113: World, meet Sheba
Day 112: Practice makes perfect
Day 111: Time for my dreams and reality to collide
Day 109: Trust but verify
Day 107: Fear is no longer the chauffeur
Day 105: A million ways to say no
Day 104: The best body and mind therapy I’ve ever experienced
Day 103: What we bring to the table